Latest Keep Noblesville Beautiful News
Peony Plantings Around Noblesville
May 2024
Chairperson Darren Peterson and fellow board members Aili McGill, Jack Martin and Chris Martin help plant peonies around the city in preparation of the Indiana Peony Festival on May 18th. KNB is a proud sponsor of this celebration of our state flower..
May 2024
The roundabout at Carrigan and Hague Roads received a helping hand from the City of Noblesville Street Department. Sea oats were planted to enhance the nautical theme of the sculpture.
Thank you NSD!
November 2022
Keep Noblesville Beautiful in partnership with the City of Noblesville, Indiana Destination Development Corporation (IDDC), Martin and Martin Insurance Agency, Peterson Architecture and War Elephant Ironworks & Design completed the installation phase of a nautical themed sculpture at the intersection of Hague and Carrigan Roads on the city's northside. The response has been very positive and we look forward to filling the roundabout in the spring with native plants and grasses. Thank you artist Kevin Huff for your talent and creativity! Beautiful!
August 2022
KNB Awarded $5,000 Public Art Activation Grant
This forthcoming roundabout sculpture at Hague and Carrigan roads in Noblesville celebrates the area’s tourism and aquatic recreation opportunities. Keep Noblesville Beautiful awarded $5K public art activation grant. Keep Noblesville Beautiful was one among 49 organizations awarded almost $250,000 by the Indiana Destination Development Corporation (IDDC) to support public art projects throughout the state.
The Noblesville nonprofit received $5,000 to fund a portion of a roundabout sculpture planned for the Hauge and Carrigan roads intersection.
The sculpture pays tribute to the tourism and aquatic recreation opportunities brought to Noblesville thanks to nearby Morse Reservoir. Dubbed "Sail Away IN Indiana,’ the sculpture is the work of artist Kevin Huff, whose previous work includes the "Embrace the Trace" sculpture installed on Hazel Dell Road in 2021.
“Keep Noblesville Beautiful is excited to celebrate one of Noblesville's most important natural resources with this highly visible public art piece,” Keep Noblesville Beautiful Board President Darren Peterson said. "We are grateful to the IDDC for continuing to support public art and the vibrancy it adds to our growing communities.”' Sail Away IN Indiana” is scheduled for a late fall 2022 installation.
Those interested in making a tax-deductible contribution to support public art and clean community initiatives can visit our donation page.
Courtesy Hamilton County Reporter
July 2021
Embrace the Trace
It was a successful SERVE weekend for KNB. Not only does Embrace the Trace look fantastic, but we enjoyed working with SERVE, Janus Developmental, Lions Club, City of Noblesville and Noblesville Parks Foundation.
Thanks so much to Jenna Romens for coordinating the jobs with SERVE, Janus and the Lions Club. Molly Martin & Dagny Zupin were there to man the KNB Booth, but ended up helping us dig and plant, thanks to both of them! Thanks to Patty Johnson at the Noblesville Street Department and Tim Stottlemeyer at Wastewater for loaning us tools and the Tree Board tent. An extra big thank you to Bruce Neal at the Noblesville Parks Department…without him we could not have completed the project in a timely manner. He took Jack to buy the plants, delivered the plants and mulch and offered us much needed advice on sod removal, planting and mulching. A good project we can be proud of.
Embrace the Trace was finally handed off to the Noblesville Parks Foundation and they were happy to be taking possession of it!
May 2021
Clean up and Planting at Riverside Cemetery
Friday’s clean up and planting at Riverside Cemetery was not only a big success but a lot of fun too. We had 8 volunteers, all really good workers and the job was done in less than 2 hours and looks great. Evelyn Lees who is in charge of the cemetery for the City of Noblesville came by after we were done and gave her stamp of approval. It was a rewarding project. Thanks so much to everyone who came and to the City of Noblesville Street and Parks Department who helped us out. We couldn’t have done it without them!
July 2019
Behind the scenes, we are working on an art installation at the trailhead of the new Midland Trace trail.
If you would like to help sponsor this bicycle themed sculpture by local artist Kevin Huff you can find
more information by clicking on the sponsorship button below.
Thank you for your interest in keeping our community beautiful. We look forward to your feedback at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Highway 37 Clean Up
Janice Ramey coordinated a group of volunteers with Serve Noblesville in an effort to clean up Highway 37. We collected over 100 bags of trash from SR32 south to 146th Street. Thank you Metro Plastics, Inc., Riverview Health, White River Christian Church and Hamilton Co. Leadership Academy for your tireless efforts. Thank you to Meijer for the delicious snacks and the City of Noblesville Street Department for the added safety trucks.
Our city is now more welcoming because of you!
April 2019
Members of NHS Key Club, Our Lady of Grace Bridges Young Adult Ministry and KNB volunteers work the highway on a beautiful spring Saturday.
Pictured on Left: Members of the NHS Key Club donated a few hours of their Saturday to Keep Noblesville Beautiful.
Pictured on Right: Lydia having a ball as she rolls down the highway.
Noblesville Adopt-A-Highway 2019 Clean-Up Days Announced
Keep Noblesville Beautiful Adopt a Highway project is sponsoring three clean-up days this season: April 13, July 13 and October 12. These events start at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church at 191st and SR 37 in Noblesville at 8:15 a.m. We clean a two mile stretch of 37 north and south of the church and finish around 11:30 a.m. Hamilton County Probation provides 6-8 volunteers but we are always in need of more. KNB and INDOT provide trash bags, pick-up tools, reflective vests and snacks. Volunteers must be at least 12 years of age for this project. Please bring your own gloves.
New Diamond Sponsor
Special thanks to Peterson Architecture for your Diamond Level Sponsorship of Keep Noblesville Beautiful.
Peterson Architecture is a full service architectural and planning firm located in Noblesville, Indiana.
Noblesville Adopt-A-Highway 2018 Clean-Up Days Announced
Keep Noblesville Beautiful Adopt a Highway project is sponsoring three clean-up days this season: March 3rd and July 21st. These events start at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church at 191st and SR 37 in Noblesville at 8:15 a.m. We clean a two mile stretch of 37 north and south of the church and finish around 11:30 a.m. Hamilton County Probation provides 6-8 volunteers but we are always in need of more. KNB and INDOT provide trash bags, pick-up tools, reflective vests and snacks. Volunteers must be at least 12 years of age for this project. Please bring your own gloves.
A fun board meeting as we wrapped up our year. The dinner started off with a tasty pork chop dinner hosted by Glen Schwartz.
Big plans coming in 2018!
Summer Highway 37 Clean-Up Event
We had nearly perfect weather for today's project. Thanks so much to Ann, Jack, and Monica (representing KNB) for their help. We had 14 workers for 32 man hours. We were able to clean the entire stretch of Hwy 37 from Allisonville Rd south to Hwy 32. We collected 30 bags of trash. Whew!
- August 2017

Welcome Bolden's Cleaning & Restoration Services as a New Silver Sponsor
Special thanks to Bolden's for their support of Keep Noblesville Beautiful.
For more information on Bolden's please visit their website at
New Perennial Beds Installed in Federal Hill Commons
Volunteers from Keep Noblesville Beautiful recently installed two perennial beds located in the front entrance to the Green Room at Federal Hill Commons.
The Green Room, the site of the former First Merchants Bank, is the park’s rental and indoor event facility and features an outdoor patio. It will be used for corporate events, general rentals for events like family reunions, birthday parties and wedding and baby showers.
Federal Hill Commons is a 6.75-acres park in Downtown Noblesville that extends the downtown across the White River. Federal Hill Commons will provides a park setting that encourages the arts and cultural programs while incorporating the rich history of Federal Hill, which dates back to the 1800s.
The 125 perennials for the plant beds were donated by Hamilton County Master Gardeners. The Purdue Master Gardener Program makes the latest information about gardening and home horticulture available to people with a deep interest in gardening. Purdue Master Gardener Volunteers help others grow by sharing what they learn and by leading educational gardening activities in their communities. Click here for more information on the Hamilton County Master Gardeners.
Noblesville Adopt-A-Highway Clean-Up Days Announced
Keep Noblesville Beautiful Adopt a Highway project is sponsoring three clean-up days this season: March 25th, August 5th and October 21st. These events start at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church at 191st and SR 37 in Noblesville at 8:15 a.m. We clean a two mile stretch of 37 north and south of the church and finish around 11:30 a.m. Hamilton County Probation provides 6-8 volunteers but we are always in need of more. KNB and INDOT provide trash bags, pick-up tools, reflective vests and snacks. Volunteers must be at least 12 years of age for this project. Please bring your own gloves.
Click here to register for the August 5th Clean-Up Event
This worthwhile project takes just a few hours and keeps our city looking great!
Celebrating another great year with a holiday wrap up dinner at Ginger's Cafe.
Thanks to all who have supported us in 2016!
2016 KNB Outstanding Service Award at the Noblesville Parks & Recreation Dept. went to Mona Stevens, accepting on her behalf is Parks Director Brandon Bennett & Asst. Director Mike Hoffmeister. Unfortunately Mona was unable to attend but she was recognized & honored by all her fellow workers, staff and City Officials. Known to all as "the flower lady" she has tended the downtown flowers & plants for over 26 years. Please give her a big thank you the next time you see her downtown.
Thank you Hamilton County Probation Department for your support of our Adopt a Highway program. We picked up 69 bags of trash along Highway 37 this season! Thanks to everyone for helping us keep our city clean and litter-free!
Earth Day/Arborfest
KNB has been distributing seedlings (free of charge) to Noblesville Residents since 2009
2009 - 200 Redbud Seedlings
- 2010 - 200 Shagbark Hickory Seedlings
- 2011 - 300 Red Oak Seedlings
- 2012 - 200 Tulip Seedlings
- 2013 - 200 Dogwood Seedlings
- 2014 - 400 Dogwood Seedlings
- 2015 - Tulip Poplar, Redbud, Sugar Maple and White Oak
- 2016 - Tulip Poplar, Redbud, Sugar Maple and White Oak
Community Beautification
Keep Noblesville Beautiful volunteers work with the community to assist in a variety of community improvement projects.
Neighborhood Blitz
Since 2008, KNB volunteers have organized a Neighborhood Blitz to provide free gardening, landscaping and maintenance services to Noblesville residents. Our volunteers designate a specific part of the city to assist homeowners (particularly older and disabled residents) by providing education regarding yard care, tree and plant pruning and general home maintenance and beautification.
KNB secures supplies and donations from local business sponsors to help defray costs; sometimes these businesses provide volunteers as well. We enlist the help of various community groups like churches, scouts, sports teams and school organizations, who work alongside the homeowners during the Neighborhood Blitz campaigns.
House Resolution - Indiana General Assembly - Recognizes Keep Noblesville Beautiful
Latest News, Community Updates Latest News, Community Updates
Hamilton County Reporter
Latest news, community updates from Keep Noblesville Beautiful
Hamilton County Reporter - June 2017
City Celebrates Earth, Bicentennial Together
by Sadie Hunter of the Current in Noblesville May 10, 2016
Neighborhood Blitz is Next Week
Hamilton County Reporter 6-18-2016
Third Annual Earth Day Arbor-Fest Is Next Saturday
Hamilton County Reporter 4-18-2015
Volunteers Live to Serve
by Carly Lanich of The Times 5-20-2015
Noblesville Announces Volunteer Award Winners
Hamilton County Reporter 5-21-2015
Firestone Area is Major Target
Hamilton County Reporter 6-4-2015
Partners SERVE Noblesville
Commentary by Cindy Benedict for the Current in Noblesville 6-17-2015
Snapshot: Neighborhood Blitz
Current in Noblesville 8-4-2015
Group Keeps Noblesville Beautiful
The Times 9-10-2015
Commentary by Cindy Benedict
Current in Noblesville 9-15-2015
Keep Noblesville Beautiful, City Group Complete Post Office Project
Hamilton County Reporter 9-19-2015
KNB Beautifies Noblesville Post Office
The Times 10-7-2015
Noblesville receives Exemplary White River Festival Event Award
Hamilton County Reporter 10-8-2015
Keep Noblesville Beautiful Receives 2013 Sustain Noblesville Recycle Bins
Hamilton County Reporter 1-22-2014
Sharing the Gift of a Beautiful City
The Times 1-23-2014
Opportunity Abounds for Good Citizens
Commentary by Mary Sue Rowland for the Hamilton County Reporter 5-25-2014
Volunteers Honored at Noblesville Chamber Meeting
Hamilton County Reporter 5-29-2014
Volunteers Needed for Neighborhood Blitz
The Times 6-7-2014
Current in Noblesville 6-10-14
Volunteers Needed for Keep Noblesville Beautiful Neighborhood Blitz
Hamilton County Reporter 6-10-2014
Volunteers Needed for Annual Blitz
Current in Noblesville 6-10-2014
Volunteers Get Just Recognition
Editorial by Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg in the Current in Noblesville 6-10-2014
Keep Noblesville Beautiful Blitz
Hamilton County Reporter 6-19-2014
Keep Noblesville Beautiful Thanks Sponsors of Blitz Ad
Hamilton County Reporter 6-20-2014
Paying It Forward, One Home at a Time
by Navar Watson of the Current in Noblesville 6-24-2014
Residents Keep Noblesville Beautiful
The Times 6-27-2014
Meet Cindy Haas, Winner of the Serve Indiana Award
by Cindy Benedict for The Times 10-1-2014
Volunteer Award
Current in Noblesville 4-30-2013
by Robert Herrington of the Current in Noblesville 5-8-2013
Volunteers Needed for Clean-up
Current in Noblesville 5-14-2013
Blitz to Beautify Neighborhood
Current in Noblesville 6-4-2013
Keep Noblesville Beautiful Says Thanks
The Times 6-17-2013
Sponsor Thank You Ad
Current in Noblesville 6-18-2013
Cleaning Up Noblesville
by Rick Holtz of The Times 6-25-2013
KNB to Plant 5,000 Bulbs
Current in Noblesville 10-15-2013
Daffodils Planting
Hamilton County Reporter 10-15-2013
Hit the Road with Keep Noblesville Beautiful
by Steve Furlow of The Times
Group Keeps Noblesville Beautiful
Commentary by Robert Herrington of the Current in Noblesville 4-24-2012
Arbor Day
by Steve Furlow of The Times 4-28-2012
KNB Hands Out Trees, Plans Blitz
by Robert Herrington of the Current in Noblesville 5-8-2012
Blitz to Hit Noblesville Neighborhood
by Steve Furlow of The Times 5-14-2012
Keep Noblesville Beautiful This Weekend
The Indianapolis Star 5-17-2012
Blitz Letter to the Editor
The Times 5-23-2012
Noblesville History Shaped by KNB Volunteers
Commentary by Darla Scoles - Current in Noblesville 5-29-2012
Community Gives Superhero Effort in Cleanup
by Mark Johnson of the Current in Noblesville 5-29-2012
KNB to Beautify City Gateway
The Times 10-18-2012
Group Plants "Memorable Impression"
by Robert Herrington of the Current in Noblesville 11-9-2012
Meijer Employees Help Keep Noblesville Beautiful
Current of Noblesville
NHS Donates Times with KNB Blitz Cleanup
by Steve Furlow of The Times
KNB Annual Spring Cleanup Blitz Saturday
by Steve Furlow of The Times
KNB Participated in Paper Retriever's National Paper Drive
KNB Kicks Off Season with Cleanup
by Steve Furlow of The Times 4-15-2011
Keep Noblesville Beautiful Recycles Tons of Paper
The Times 4-22-2011
Arbor Day Tree Give Away Friday in Noblesville
The Times 4-28-2011
Recycle your Unwanted Items for Free Saturday
by Robert Herrington of The Times 5-20-2011
Neighborhood Effort Makes Difference
by Steve Furlow of The Times 5-26-2011
Keeping Noblesville Beautiful
The Times 10-5-2011
Arbor Day
by Steve Furlow of The Times
Local Organization to Give Away 300 Seedlings
The Indianapolis Star 4-22-2010
Down by the River
by Steve Furlow of The Noblesville Times 9-4-2010
Keep Noblesville Beautiful Blitzes Riverwood Neighborhood
by Steve Haas, Current in Noblesville 9-4-2010
Volunteers Lend Hand to Keep Noblesville Beautiful at Riverwood
by Steve Furlow of The Times 9-11-2010
KNB Adopt-a-Highway Clean Up This Saturday
by Steve Furlow of The Times 9-24-2010
Hitting the Highway
The Times 9-30-2010
Keep Noblesville Beautiful Plants 3K Bulbs
by Steve Furlow of The Times 11-8-2010
Group Aims to Keep Noblesville Beautiful, One Block at a Time
by Steve Furlow of The Times 5-24-2009
Keeping Noblesville Beautiful, One House at a Time
by Steve Furlow of The Times
Volunteers Lend a Hand with Neighborhood Improvements
The Times 9-9-2009
Volunteers Clean Up White River in Hamilton County
by Cat Anderson, WTHR TV in Indpls 9-12-2009
Weather Dampens Student Clean-Up Effort
by Robert Herrington of The Noblesville Times 4-19-2008
Neighborhood Blitz Program Announced
The Noblesville Times 8-21-2008
KNB Starts First Project
The Noblesville Times 4-12-2007
Students Clean Highway, Earn Community Service Hours
The Noblesville Times 4-23-2007